Cut to the chase,get the points:
- You need a V2ray Client: v2rayN
To avoid setup headaches, it is best to choose the version with the core.
- Get the domain name of the VPN node
Get the node :443 port
Get the node :80 port
Add “/login” to the end of the domain name link and open the browser to filter the link whose version number is 2.5.3 or higher.
- Import the following link to v2rayN ,change domain and perform a ping speed test
trojan:// in the domain name here&alpn=h3&fp=randomized&allowlnsecure=1&type=ws&host=Fill in the domain name here&path=%2Ftr%3Fed%3D2560#BPB
Currently, it is using a bug in BPB-Worker-Panel. We don’t know whether this bug will be fixed in the future. Currently, the pro-test link can be used for free.