Free VPN node access, speed 700-900mbps

Cut to the chase,get the points:

  1. You need a V2ray Client: v2rayN

To avoid setup headaches, it is best to choose the version with the core.


  1. Get the domain name of the VPN node

Get the node :443 port

Get the node :80 port

Add “/login” to the end of the domain name link and open the browser to filter the link whose version number is 2.5.3 or higher.

  1. Import the following link to v2rayN ,change domain and perform a ping speed test
trojan:// in the domain name here&alpn=h3&fp=randomized&allowlnsecure=1&type=ws&host=Fill in the domain name here&path=%2Ftr%3Fed%3D2560#BPB

Currently, it is using a bug in BPB-Worker-Panel. We don’t know whether this bug will be fixed in the future. Currently, the pro-test link can be used for free.

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